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/ Milk quota
milk quota
Sujet posté le 24/04/2009 à 02H03 par
24/04/2009 à 02H03
i need some advice. I've only got about 10 more days until my milk quota for the year is used up, so i am trying to decide what to do. I read in the rules something about buying more quota in november at .90 euros per litre. But if i'm only getting paid .32 euros per litre i would be losing money. Any help, thoughts, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
25/04/2009 à 18H47
any suggetions, words of advice???
29/04/2009 à 19H00
Ok, so i found an earlier discussion about this topic and it answered my question. Basically buying milk quota is a load of crap. It seems to me like being a dairy farmer puts you at a disadvantage in this game. first you have to be on the game 4 seperate times to reap the full benefit of your cows. second you can only milk like 50 cows before you go over your quota. third buying more quota at .90 euros and getting paid .32 euros for it is stupid. Sim agri really needs to look at this because for those of us that just want to milk cows can not make but a certain amount of money per year. It is unfair and unrealistic.
02/05/2009 à 11H50
I also find that the price for milkquota is to high.
Before you are thinking of buying milkquota you must build upp your milkheard so you have highquality on the milk, than you are paid more money for the milk. At the moment I am paid 0.35€/L MQ over 50.
You don't need to be on the game 4 times a day to milk your cows 4 times, if you are abel to use the system log on a bit before 6 and 18 server time and you can milk them twice.
02/05/2009 à 20H16
thanks, i appreciate the response but even with milk quality of over 50 you are still only getting .35 euros thats still a long way from the .90 it costs to buy it. I hope sim agri will fix this or at least give us some explanation as to why the cost is so high.
05/05/2009 à 16H42
i don't have an aic in my area, so does anybody have a holstien bull with a high milk quality stat that they would sell??
06/05/2009 à 06H43
I've got the same problem with my milk quota. I would pay that price for the additional quota if you would have to buy it only once and own it until you resell it. But what I heard is that you buy that quota just for one year and then you guys are absolutely right with saying that it's not worth it!
We already had that discussion about the milking times and fair or not in the AUTOMATED MILKING thread and I totally agree with you! It's definitely not fair! I can see that they want dairy farmers to spend alot of APs on milking but I can't see why you can't do that with only one logon per day like cultivators can. Just take 4 times the APs needed and give 4 times the milk you get from one milking. Another benefit would be to take away a lot of stress from the servers during current peak hours because people would logon at different times a day and so the whole process would be stretched out.
I hope that somebody who speaks french passes this topic into the french speaking forum that we can get more players involved so that SimAgri will take a look at this!!!
07/03/2011 à 15H35
how to buy new quota milk?
07/03/2011 à 19H11
Quota is sold once a year, I think in November if I recall correct
07/03/2011 à 19H12
you buy it every november, money is taken on january 1st and mines lasts me 4 years
Feed Supplier on France 3. Claas Machinery Distribution
21/03/2011 à 09H23
Well, Simagri don't think much about my dairy farm.
They wouldn't even give me 64000L as i had asked for. I only got 32000 litres.
Is it April 1st already? Absolutely pointless for another season....thanks
21/03/2011 à 09H32
Well I asked fir 32000 litres and I just look I was only offered 12000 litres so I refused it to be told I now have to pay a fine lol ha what a joke
Feed Supplier on France 3. Claas Machinery Distribution
21/03/2011 à 09H34
I almost didn't accept either!!
I can fill 12k L in a day! What a waste of time
21/03/2011 à 13H23
in RL milk quota on the continent is expensive! in england we dont care its worthless many people milking without quota
21/03/2011 à 13H23
in RL milk quota on the continent is expensive! in england we dont care its worthless many people milking without quota
21/03/2011 à 15H24
You pay a high price for milk quota but that is for a contract over a few years so in the end you still make some money. example:
you pay .90/litre
your milk price is .35
the contract is for 5 years
you can sell 32000 L more of milk per year
Price of quota =
.9 x 32000 =
total income from extra quota=
.35 x 32000 = 11200
11200 x 5 =
profit after quota bought=
56000 - 28800
21/03/2011 à 16H35
Ryan, that is not the profit. You need to adjust it with the cost for production too. COWS2500 stated that his average cost of production was 0.15 per liter (don't know exactly what costs are included here, there could be more..)
But if we say that this is the correct cost the production cost for those 5x32000 liters would be 24000 euros. Adding that to the quota price gives you 3200 left as profit. not that much, especially if you also consider your opportunity cost for investing in that contract.
Contract grower for the US server - Message me if you would like to have a supply deal for your livestock!
22/03/2011 à 00H19
There really is very little profit to be made after the base quota, unless you can get your MQ much higher than 50, and as the USA server stands now that is impossible. When I did the math I made .02 euro in profit per litter of milk produced after buying quota for 5 years.
Raising calves still makes having more cattle profitable, but if you are raising calves why wouldn't you raise beef??? 70% of the beef price for 100% of the feed costs makes raising dairy calves for sale a fairly poor enterprise.
Now I would really like to have more dairy cattle, don't get me wrong. I would love to be milking a few hundred, but Simagri says NO. Even buying all the quota possible, milking more than 200 is not going to be possible. Some of this I understand; if players could milk more cows there would be nothing left on the market, but that is exactly how it is right now.
Also the US has NO quota; my RL job is as a herdsman (one of many) for 4000 cows. If Simagri has no limits on poultry or hogs why do they impose such a low limit on dairy cows that almost all farms in this country exceed?
Anyway, this has been discussed before and will be again, but I have never seen a official response, so that would be nice.
28/03/2011 à 05H01
28/03/2011 à 05H03
Yes your right, my bad didn't include his cost of production. However my heard is half beef half dairy, and my milk sale price is higher. And with growing all of my own feed the extra quota is worth the cost.
28/03/2011 à 18H55
does anyone know at wich qualities the milk price gets higher?
I now have MQ 64,3 and a milkprice of 0.37
Does the price go up at MQ 65 or is the next increase at MQ 70 ?
02/04/2011 à 23H20
03/04/2011 à 11H51
Thanks Ryan
10/04/2011 à 10H12
Well its been 2 weeks and im almost 60% of my base milk quota and ive only been milking 2/3 times a day. Is anything ever going to be done about the lack of quota available to us?
06/05/2013 à 09H56
Why not do a EU job and get rid of it
16/05/2013 à 09H53
we need mroe milk quota it should go up each year with kpi or more
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