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Foreign livestock question

Sujet posté le 11/04/2008 à 01H26 par joueur_2748_6
JOUEUR_2748_6 11/04/2008 à 01H26
So out of curiosity I was wiondering about the other servers and the "drive and ambition" to setup farms there when you can. Now of course it's almost like another account aside from the fact you have your own established main farm money to fall back on, otherwise it's the same since you have to pay for it.

So I take it that the driving force to have additonal farms on other servers is to access the "server only" animals and different breeds of that server, as well as being able to maybe raise different animals than you do on your main farm. But as Investigated the other servers offerings according to the faqs, I was a little "wonderment" about the benefits?

LEt's take the swiss server for instance, there are several breeds (for example) of goats and cows (as well a chicken) that arent available here. What I found strange about that though was that in all rationale a person would NOT choose those breeds to raise for finacial benefit since those breeds are actually LOWER in stats than the other breeds. For example, why in the world would I pay to make a 2nd cow farm on the Swiss server to be able to raise Simmentals (which is the Swiss only breed) when it is actually next to the LOWEST in milk production of all the breeds offered on that server, so it would not make the best financial sense to choose that breed as primary since all but 1 of the other dairy breeds have 50-99% more milk production. Same with a couple of breeds of goats on that server, who in all respect (not including the Angora for wool) produce LESS milk per milking on average than the other breeds, most of which we have here already.

So I guess my question was, since most of the "server only" breeds that exist non the other servers, what is the incentive to have farms on those servers? just the "cool" factor of being able to raise Simmentals? Since according to the stats that breeds is almost the worst dairy breed.

Doesn't it seem a better incentive to make the server only breeds the "best"? or at least equal to the best to make a player want to pay for another farm on another server? It just seems to me the server only breeds should be special? Maybe some kind of equal or higher stat?

Knowing this, I was just wondering what people find as incentive to do that since the server only breeds seem to be alot worse compared to the univeral breeds that exist everywhere? Am I missing something or overlooking the incentive?

JOUEUR_2748_6 11/04/2008 à 01H50
Well I had never looked at the cows for the US and notcied Simmentals are indeed available here. Yet there are still server only breeds so the questions is still valid, that being what are the incentives and benefits of buying a 2nd farm on another server or is it just the coolness of having the server only breeds even though those breeds are for the most part part the worst statwise that are offered on the server.
JOUEUR_28179_6 16/04/2013 à 12H39
Hello Applefield,

I think there are no real benefits of having different farms on differnet servers as you imply.

To me most players seem to choose server mostly with respect to where these people are from in real life. Thus most players are on the French servers because most players are french..

Regarding genetics for livestock that is just random. Problem is that the mechanics of the game does not allow for the community or players to develop this to a very large extent. Additionally the genetics does not seem to have effect on the actual output of that genetic trait.

For instance there seems to be little correlation between Milk stat (milk quantity) and actual milking results. A cow with 70 milk stat doesnt seem to have better performance than a 30 Milk stat cow. A high genetic value for Growth does not seem to relate to the actual weight or weight increase of an animal either. Genetics are only there for "show". The exception to the rule is Milk Quality that has an effect on the price you receive for the milk.

Genetics are not either allowed to develop through proper breading. Instead all high stat animals on the servers (at least for cattle) are the offsprings of SA dumped animals that players bought through the "SA market".

A good thing is thus the use of the VIRB where you have to develop the genetics yourself. Problem with this is that there are only a fixed amount of spots for these animals and they can thus not become part of the "normal rearing" of the farm.

SA should thus think about if the "rare breeds" should at some point be released as normal breeds so that rearing can continue on a larger scale (however, it should never introduce SA animals through the market).

Something to think about for the devs..

Contract grower for the US server - Message me if you would like to have a supply deal for your livestock!


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