Accueil / Coopérative régionale / Looking for a partner for a co-op in alberta canada

Looking for a partner for a Co-op in Alberta Canada

Sujet posté le 10/06/2024 à 03H34 par RED__LEAF
RED__LEAF 10/06/2024 à 03H34

Looking for a partners to try out this regional co-op. Buyin is 10k.  We can discuss what we would like too to start with the limited funds and gradually work towards other products. 

About me: 30s from Canada and new to this game. I've started  on the 8th of June but I have been trying to figure out how to play before. I'm active and like to work out basic spreadsheets when I can and would like to see the Co-op Grow. Hopefully 10k investment per member is enough to get started.  

How to reach me: I'll try to be active on this forum, but you can also add me on discord or send a chat to Red__Leaf

Looking forward to partner with someone.


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