Accueil / Viticulture / Days not cycling

Days not cycling

Sujet posté le 16/07/2021 à 09H44 par PRèSI
PRÈSI 16/07/2021 à 09H44

Hi everyone,

It is now 3 days that the normal time cycle is not working in my Vineyard. 

This means that I cannot harvest the crop (we have only 7 days) and I am paying for the hand pickers to do nothing...

Is there one some of developing group that actually follows on bug reports??

PRÈSI 17/07/2021 à 19H22

Hello Again,

We lost 2 days of hand picking, the harvest is doomed because most of the grapes are on plants and tomorrow is October end...

This year harvest is gone and we NEED a refund... at least 20000$ each 1000 m2 

Please developers show up and give us sign or reactiveness 



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