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Feeding multiple days

Sujet posté le 01/10/2016 à 08H19 par joueur_21200_5
JOUEUR_21200_5 01/10/2016 à 08H19
When animals are fed for 15 days but grow say within five days and the ration changes so they must be fed again, what happens to the excess feed that they didn't wind up eating?
FARMERBERNIE 02/10/2016 à 07H31
As far as I can tell it's just lost. I just recently did the same thing. Fed for 15 days, then my pigs grew and the excess feeding was a waste.  If someone knows otherwise please let me know.
JOUEUR_21200_5 03/10/2016 à 08H46
That really sucks, that excess should go back in the silos in RL it would be saved somehow. Farmers don't usually throw anything away lol
NEVANS20 02/11/2016 à 18H59 21/12/2016 à 20H11
I usually never feed over 7 days (or a simagri month) so I never have that problem. And I also make breeding on one day only (my feeding day) so the newborn animals are always born on feeding day. =)

This way whenever they grow it will always be on feeding day and no feed ever gets lost. Cuts back the costs of that lost feed as well. 

Hope that's a helpful tip.
CODYTODDS 05/10/2017 à 14H47

that is a great tip, and also shows why everyone should read the forums to get great information, thanks nevan



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