Accueil / Vergers / Should red currants lose money?

Should Red currants lose money?

Sujet posté le 15/09/2015 à 22H58 par joueur_69474_6
JOUEUR_69474_6 15/09/2015 à 22H58

Should Red currants lose money?

I have 3 types of orchards and they are all on second year
so they are all fully planted, I did all the work on them and kept track of all
the costs. Currently it is harvest time for the red currants and they are
losing money and I don’t see how they will ever make money.

 I have two 5 HA plots in Washington, Plot A I left standard
and Plot B I changed over for organic so it has less yield this year and no

Plot A is at 93% growth, I harvest around 700 kilo per day
of average size, the AP’s needed to harvest is around 255. 
Plot B is at 50% growth, I harvest around 320 per day of
small size. The AP’s needed to harvest is around 115

Now when I sell the fruit from Plot A I get around $2700 per
day, it cost me $2550 for AP so I make only 150 per day for a total of $1050
for the season on plot A.( It works out to only .10 per kilo more for the
average berry compared to the small berry.) 
For Plot B I get around $1270 - $1150 (AP cost) for $120 per
day / $840 for the season. 
So my total after I subtract the harvest AP’s for the season
will be around $2000 for both plots. My cost for pruning and thinning both
plots was $59000 so I will lose $57000 from Red Currants.

I have tried selling on the market, I get about 50% more for
what sells (I get around$6 on the market and $4 just selling to SA) but I only
sell a very small amount maybe 10kilo per day. They can only be sold at the
markets not wholesale or group seller. And they only last 3 days in storage.

Even if they were organic and I had the same yield, the
$2700 would be $3240 (20% more) I would gain $540 for a total of around $700
per plot / per day. so $4900 for the season per plot but again that would not
cover the cost of $29500 per plot for pruning and thinning.

So I have no idea what to do with these to make money, what
did I do wrong or are they just set up wrong in the game and they just lose


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