Accueil / Animaux / Expanding to dairy and i need some figures

Expanding to dairy and i need some figures

Sujet posté le 27/06/2014 à 21H51 par PAROCKIN
PAROCKIN 27/06/2014 à 21H51
Im in the process of planning an expansion to diary production on my farm, and im currently doing calculations on what it will cost so that i can set a budget and know how much money i need, but im missing some key figures.

1. How many cows can a meadow support per hectare? I have tried calculating this but it isnt easy since Simagri measures cattle grazing in square meters per day and meadow growth in %. So i need some hands-on information from a dairy farmer. Please provide as much info about the plot (Fertilizers, cover crops, etc) and the animals in it (Numbers, age, etc)

2. How much does water cost?

3. How much does milk pay out per liter? One guy told me that he had 63 in milk quality and was getting paid 37 cents per liter, but 60 is the limit for good quality milk and i dont think everyone will reach that. What price can you expect to get paid for milk when you are starting out?

I may come up with more questions but we'll take that another time
JOUEUR_35267_6 28/06/2014 à 11H48 28/06/2014 à 11H50

Hi. all my animals are organic so i have alot of 200hec meadows.

1. meadow growth is simple 1hec is 10000m2*0,04 for normal growth so 400m2/day for 1hec, 500m2 if you use fertilizers or use soil aerating.

I only use 200hec meadows and to be safe i have 300cows + offspring for a full cirkel so it takes 3 years Before it`s full = 300cows 300bullocks 300heifers and 300 calfs so total 1200 animals that use 86400m2/day and my growth is 2000000m2*0.05 with soil aerating = 100000m2/day.

2.water cost is "0.26 centimes euros per litre" but you also need a water bowser to get the water to the meadow so it`s better to get a plot with a spring or river that way you dont need to worry about water ,but you need to buy water trough`s in any case.

3.Very few have over 60 in milk quality so basic price is 30cents/liter. I have 40 in milk quality and get 32cents/liter but with alot of diary cows you hit the milk quota fast, my quota is full after 3 weeks so you wont get rich from milk.


PAROCKIN 28/06/2014 à 20H48
Many many thanks, this makes everything alot easier!

So if a fertilized field produced 500 m2 per day, an 8 hectare field should be able to support my 50 cows?

50 cows eat 80 m2 per day each = 4000 m2
4000 m2 / 500 m2 = 8 hectares


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