Accueil / Animaux / Why are my animals dying of thirst?

Why are my animals dying of thirst?

Sujet posté le 23/06/2013 à 16H31 par joueur_54863_6
JOUEUR_54863_6 23/06/2013 à 16H31
This morning I noticed that my livestock (except the ones on pasture) are dying of thirst. I only checked a about 20 out of 2000+, but they are all either at 20% health on their water or 0% and it says they will die tomorrow if they don't drink today. All 2000+ of them combined should need about 3000 liters and I have a 10000 liter tank which is at about 8000 liters now. Why aren't they drinking? A few months ago, about 75% of my stock died at one time from thirst and I couldn't figure out why. Now I think it may have been the same problem. Any ideas?

-Midget Wookiee
-High Steppe Farms
JOUEUR_57119_6 30/06/2013 à 17H11
Livestock in barns and henhouses do not drink from troughs. They are watered from your water cistern. on the livestock main page there is the box on the right side that tells you trough contents and water cistern needs and on hand levels. Refill your water cistern and it should take care of the issue.


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