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Starting Dairy

Sujet posté le 05/05/2013 à 23H44 par joueur_60785_6
JOUEUR_60785_6 05/05/2013 à 23H44
I live on a Dairy Farm at home. I have always wanted to start dairy here but the price of cattle and milking palours have turned me away. When i get better finances i would start.
What I am asking is this;;
1. How much money would you save to start up.
2. What size buildings would you build.
3. What size herd
4. How much land should you use for grazing.

I would like to see peoples views.
Thanks, Sull576
PAROCKIN 15/10/2013 à 22H47
It looks like you got going but im gonna post this anyway, might help someone else:

This is a Excel i whipped up in 10 minutes, It only covers the size of the meadow, size and cost of barn and how much straw you need per day. I was gonna put in how much food you need and the cost of it but i was alot of writing and its already late so. But im planning to make more of these for calculating cost of setting up various animal buisnesses, so i will post updated version some time later.
JOUEUR_60785_6 25/10/2013 à 23H02
Thanks i will check it out,
TM Lad


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