Accueil / Animaux / Somebody stealing my cattles!?

Somebody stealing my Cattles!?

Sujet posté le 16/04/2013 à 23H27 par joueur_345083_1
JOUEUR_345083_1 16/04/2013 à 23H27
After some login-problems today, I found out that I`ve lost nearly 80 Cattles!!!
They got both food, water and space enough, and they were not "dead". They just disappeared!

Anybody else got this problem?

Where is the "contact us"-link on Simagri?
JOUEUR_60906_6 18/04/2013 à 01H10
Click on "My Farm" along the top of your home page. Along the left side you will see a link named "Hotline". That's where you report bugs.
CARLOSADARE 19/04/2013 à 12H41
I have had the same problem and contacted the hotline. No one has got back to me. It happened the dy the maintenance took place. Did it happen the same day to you
JOUEUR_345083_1 22/04/2013 à 11H28
Yes, i think it happened the same day.
The most annoying thing is that i just got fined 35 000 euros because i missed my dairyquota with 1000 ltrs. and lost 100 000 ltrs. of this years quota.

I think its unaceptable!
CARLOSADARE 22/04/2013 à 17H51
Have you had any responce from the hotline. Im disgusted really. Lost alot of animals and had spent money on barns for them and now there empty


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