Accueil / Animaux / Making rations?

Making rations?

Sujet posté le 26/03/2013 à 21H00 par joueur_58094_6
JOUEUR_58094_6 26/03/2013 à 21H00
First off is it possible? i thought it was and bought all the things i thought i needed to start making rations. such as for poultry: wheat, corn, oats, minerals. then i bought a mixer, and a Silo unloader distributor.

I still cant find any way to make it. If it is possible what am i doing wrong. I have looked threw the game rules and forums. can't find anything on this. Another reason i am starting to think it is not possible. if it is what am i doing wrong, or am i not looking. Thanks for all the help
JOUEUR_35390_6 27/03/2013 à 12H37
The rations can only be made by cooperatives.
JOUEUR_58094_6 27/03/2013 à 19H55
well i just made it to feed my pigs, but now can't figure out how to make say 10 tons and store it
JOUEUR_35390_6 28/03/2013 à 15H48
Sorry, i thougth that you are talking about pig ration or poultry ration.
You can´t store this rations(for example for poultry: wheat, corn, oats, minerals), i can only store the goods in separeted silos. also use a Silo unloader distributor for feeding and a mixer for putting straw in beds, you don't need a straw distribuitor.


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