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Milking station

Sujet posté le 19/03/2013 à 19H01 par joueur_124611_2
JOUEUR_124611_2 19/03/2013 à 19H01
I have understood that the more milking robots you do have in your milking station, the more animals are milked at the same time, and less ap:s consumed.

Well, I have 86 cows, and a station with 49 robots. With normal sense, it would cost me 1,75 AP:s to milk all my cows. But no!

I'm consuming every time 5,81 ap:s to milk cows. So it takes me 23,24 ap:s every day just to milk cows. Is this normal?

Okay, so I think it is way too much, so I started to enlarge the milking station, one robot per day. (At evening you put it under construction, and next morning you have bigger milking station). So I thought that ap count will go down when more animals are milked same time. BUT NO!!

When I had 43 milking robots it took me 4,71 ap to milk, now, it is 49/5,81. Is this a bug in the code, or could someone axplain to me, why it is this way? It doesn't really work that way with common sense, doesn't it?
JOUEUR_124611_2 20/03/2013 à 19H07
JOUEUR_124611_2 29/03/2013 à 08H12
the situation now is that I have 61 milking robots and 84 cows (2 died from old age), and now I am consuming almost 7ap:s per milking time.

What is the point of having more robots if it does not save your ap:s?


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