Accueil / Animaux / Milk


Sujet posté le 11/03/2013 à 20H03 par joueur_59184_6
JOUEUR_59184_6 11/03/2013 à 20H03
can I make money selling milk?
JOUEUR_64329_6 05/12/2013 à 23H22
You can make money off selling milk. However you need a lot of capital to start your Dairy. You need a lot of cows to make a profit selling milk. Sell your milk simple open the Livestock tab and on the left their is a set of menus. When you see the menu 'My Production', you will 'Sell my milk' as the first option.

JOUEUR_48613_6 11/03/2014 à 04H10
It's way too easy to hit the quota and then you don't make money off of it
JOUEUR_49105_6 17/03/2014 à 14H29
Yes what Mattwitt said.  I thought that the Cheese Diary would be a way to utilize the milk, but it's subject to the same milk quota for cows.


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