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Elect a New Face

Sujet posté le 26/02/2013 à 20H08 par joueur_333836_1
JOUEUR_333836_1 26/02/2013 à 20H08 26/02/2013 à 20H10
Hello to all who took the time to read this notice.

Well I'm almost 7 SimAgri Years playing and in my time have gone from Cattle to Crop to Sheep and Poultry. I have a pretty good idea of the game and would like at least 1 chance to help on a national scale.

I know that there are 3 good reps from the Rhone - Alpes already, but i would like to have my voice heard. I speak both English and French fluently so can communicate with most people on SIMAGRI. In other posts I have read that other reps are neglegent with their positions and don't vote to pass/deny issues.
I ask all in the Rhone - Alpes to consider me for their top 3 juring the voting month of July.
Thank You!

Beef Producer
JOUEUR_52607_7 09/05/2013 à 01H29
I am not sure if you got elected you different server got in myself this year but too be honest you better off not being on SAEC it is so frustrating!!! Now in March season 37 just went in to vote on two issues and told no votes to be taken as not enough proposals. I mean come on why do guys bother getting elected you have 3 days to submit proposals and then vote and its not the first time it has happened this season! It is so annoying and it just comes down to people want to look good being on board and really don't care once they elected. Now I aint saying everyone like this there are a few good guys who take it serious but they in minority. Would be far better if you could only serve 2yrs at least then you might get guys who want to be there and not for status! RANT OVER
JOUEUR_35390_6 09/05/2013 à 14H35
People don´t submit proposals because they don't get any kind of warning that there is pproposals for vote on saec. You didn't even get notificated when you get elected.
JOUEUR_52607_7 09/05/2013 à 22H36
That's is a fair point a lot of things really need to be changed with the SAEC to get it working properly. A message to alert people of decisions to be made would be big help. But to counter that a little there are decisions to be taken every month except August so really why join something they don't understand? when you enter the SAEC it does tell you what matters are up for decisions that's what I cant understand why join and then never access it!


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