Accueil / Animaux / Mixer


Sujet posté le 09/04/2012 à 16H03 par VILSA
VILSA 09/04/2012 à 16H03
Is it possible to feed my own ensiled corn? And do i need a mixer to make the ration straw+ensiled corn (just an example) or do i need a silo unloader distibutor?
JOUEUR_28179_6 09/04/2012 à 17H19
You can use both a mixer and a silo unloader distributor, but it is cheaper and more efficient fo use the former... search the forum for post on exact difference in performance between the two..

Contract grower for the US server - Message me if you would like to have a supply deal for your livestock!
VILSA 09/04/2012 à 17H34
Thanks for your answer!
So it is possible to produce the ration with a silo unloader distributor?
JOUEUR_28179_6 09/04/2012 à 18H11

Contract grower for the US server - Message me if you would like to have a supply deal for your livestock!
VILSA 09/04/2012 à 18H18
Thanks a lot
JOUEUR_59158_6 16/12/2012 à 13H35
I'm confused here. I have put my cattle on different rations. I just assumed the ration was automatically mixed and fed to the cows (i am doing hand-feeding). Do I need to be mixing the ration myself? If so, how is this done ( I would most likely be buying a tow-behind mixer).

STERKEN FARMS TRANSPORTATION Competitive rates, timely deliveries! View Schedule
JOUEUR_49105_6 31/07/2013 à 20H13
Can you also use a Mixer to spread straw?
ISLEOFMAN 09/08/2013 à 14H49
You can but it is not cost effective


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