Accueil / Animaux / Let cows in meadow or put them in barn

let cows in meadow or put them in barn

Sujet posté le 24/09/2010 à 20H36 par joueur_35390_6
JOUEUR_35390_6 24/09/2010 à 20H36
Hi, what do you preffer, let the beef cows during the winter in meadow or put them in the barn?
ISLEOFMAN 25/09/2010 à 14H12
My beef cows stay outside! Prefer my milkers in all year though
JOUEUR_35390_6 25/09/2010 à 15H51
JOUEUR_24989_7 25/09/2010 à 17H09
@isleofman: why do you prefer to keep your milkers in all year round ?
JOUEUR_37506_6 25/09/2010 à 19H35
I am wondering the same thing, keeping cows in a barn is very expensive. I am enjoying the almost free milk income my cows are making me right now.
JOUEUR_39003_6 14/10/2010 à 05H18
I am not sure on this but I would think that keeping the dairy cows in and feeding them a good ration would produce more milk then if they were out to pasture.
JOUEUR_30849_6 14/10/2010 à 19H37
Im sure it doesn't matter.

Use a grass seed with 3* pasture to me = good quality food = maximum milking
JOUEUR_9490_6 14/10/2010 à 20H06
only have my dairy in throughout the winter otherwise there all out milk amount never a problem for furfilling my quota quality is around 43 dont see price increase if its better so i dont worry about the milk too much thats my opinion
JOUEUR_30849_6 14/10/2010 à 22H12 14/10/2010 à 22H12
I dont see why you would want them inside (part from the winter) Grass is free you know!! (well almost)
JOUEUR_8230_5 15/10/2010 à 13H04
Grass may be free, but you're also tying up a plot that could otherwise be used for cash cropping, so there's loss of income there as well that has to be considered.
JOUEUR_37506_6 16/10/2010 à 01H03
Grass is not free, but the return on a meadow is good. A 20 ha. meadow can support 100+ cows a day and stay even. I currently spend over 10 euros a day on feed and bedding per milking animal. 100 cows *10 euros/cow/day* 7 months/year * 7 days/month= 49000 euros saved per year (at a minimum.) Plus you could use a low quality plot and get the same results.
JOUEUR_9490_6 16/10/2010 à 20H36
that's just caught me id never thought of the loss of yield for some reason i slipped up there i now have a 198h meadow which id get around 500,000 a year from if i done wheat followed by spuds. thats a lot of cattle food but must consider shed costs as well. i have 800 cattle in that meadow so its about the same and saves having to spend time feeding
JOUEUR_38533_6 16/10/2010 à 23H49
The profits from milk fed beef calves that can be produced from a ryegrass plot compares favorably with the profits from cash crops. Grass is a cash crop you're just using cattle to harvest instead of combines.
JOUEUR_63131_6 25/09/2013 à 05H05
Here in New Zealand Dairy Cows are outside all year round on most farms. This losing this game because i can't do that and I am running out of money, no room in my barn, etc .....
ISLEOFMAN 02/11/2013 à 18H01
I hadn't grazed for a while I am back grazing now when you couldn't see if animals were fed or not was loosing to many as not looking at plots enough and was growing cash crops

Patrickv I agree here in uk some cows out all year to but not producing huge volumes of milk maybe if we had jerseys that had to calve in set months and the couldn't milk in winter


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