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Changing Server

Sujet posté le 04/02/2018 à 17H42 par PRèSI
PRÈSI 04/02/2018 à 17H42


I've been playing a bit on the French server and I successfully set up a nice farm... 

now for real life reasons I will move and I'd need to move my farm on another server (American one) if possible, in order to continue playing.

Does someone knows if this might be possible?  I know there is the secondary farm option... but I will not have enough time to have both running.

Thanks in advance for any helpful suggestion


FARMER PAUL 18/02/2018 à 14H17

Hi, not sure if you got my reply on private messages.  I don't think you can 'move' your farm I'm afraid.  The only way is to unsubscribe and start again, or start a secondary farm like you said.  Why can't you stay on the same server and farm though? You can access any server from any country 


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