Accueil / Suggestions / Horse


Sujet posté le 10/06/2012 à 02H53 par joueur_40670_5
JOUEUR_40670_5 10/06/2012 à 02H53
it would make more sence if they put up races for horses to win or shows comptions or so forth so that horses would be worth all that money to start and to work towards higher stats, like all that is there is breeding and nothing with horses, like cows you get milk and from goats, chickens you get eggs, and so on, but horses have nothing, i think it would be more populare if they did an update on more things to do with horses
JOUEUR_8230_5 21/12/2012 à 21H10
They're working on that for future updates
CODYTODDS 05/10/2017 à 10H33

thats good to know i would like a horse



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